Luminaries - Talking to the Brightest Minds in Tech

Who Drives Innovation…in Your Business?

Episode Summary

What does it take to create a culture of innovation? According to Assaf Natanzon, innovation is a team sport. He should know; he holds over 200 patents with hundreds more pending. For Assaf, encouraging innovation is all about learning new things, taking in other points of view, and applying solutions from one field to another. It doesn't happen in a single, coincidental lightning flash; it's a process that can be deliberately encouraged and nurtured.

Episode Notes

The popular perception of an “inventor" is someone sitting by themselves, racking their brain until a light bulb comes on over their head. But that kind of lightning-strike innovation, one person creating something entirely new all by themselves, is extremely rare.

Assaf Natanzon holds 200 patents, with over 200 more pending. He fostered a love for innovation while working in the startup culture, and now helps create new ways to keep data safe from corruption, crashes, and cyberattacks.

On this episode, Assaf shares great advice on how to foster an environment that promotes innovation. It's not about one person thinking hard until inspiration hits. It's about taking in new ideas, listening to people's problems, combining disciplines, education and technology in new ways.